Kingdom Hearts Anime Full HD 4K. Kingdom hearts follows the story of sora, a young boy who was separated from his friends kairi and riku when their world was invaded by creatures known as “heartless”. It is a collaboration between square enix and disney interactive studios, and is under the direction of tetsuya nomura, a longtime square enix character designer.
5 (0) add to cart. Kingdom hearts wiki is a comprehensive database focusing on the kingdom hearts game series, a crossover between final fantasy and disney properties, developed and published by square enix.the wiki is a collaborative community that anyone can edit, dedicated to collecting all information related to the franchise, such as the storyline, gameplay, characters, creatures, locations, and more! Kingdom hearts remains a sanctuary for millions of gamers out there, and its legacy may be ready to explore something entirely new thanks to a certain report.
If kingdom hearts ever crossed over into the world of anime, a sailor moon world should be at the top of the list.
Kingdom hearts is an anime series based on the kingdom hearts game series with more final fantasy, disney, and many other characters. The series was released in two volumes in japan by gangan comics and later translated into english by tokyopop prior to losing the rights to the series. It is the result of a collaboration between square enix and disney interactive studios, combining characters and elements from square enix's final fantasy series and multiple disney franchises. Long ago, in the age of fairy tales, the world's light is protected by seven individuals who reside in daybreak town and wield unique weapons called keyblades: