Dragon Ball Super Bad Animation Best Quality Image. The series is a sequel to the original dragon ball manga, with its overall plot outline written by creator akira toriyama.the manga is illustrated by toyotarou, with story and editing by toriyama, and began serialization in shueisha. Dbs started out with poor animation, considering it can cost up to $300,000 to make one episode, this is understandable but having better animation would certainly be more appealing.
For instance, this was the case with dragon ball super, where toei animation split episodes into multiple sections, each with its own animation supervisor, and further used 2nd key animators to refine the artwork prior to being corrected by the section’s animation supervisor or by the episode’s chief animation supervisor. Dragon ball super bad animation ending. Now the producer of the series has put his two cents on the issue.
Dragon ball super when it first started out, was widely criticized by many due to many reasons.
Animation and artwork are two different things. Crap images are not uncommon in anime, but this is perhaps a tad disappointing because dragon ball super is a big, new show. The bad news is that a lot of dragon ball super's animation problems continue from this point in the future trunks saga through the first half of the final universal survival saga that follows it. Animation is a arduous and difficult process that requires a lot of time and manpower to complete.